Every patient's condition is different and deserves to be treated individually.  We treat a wide range of conditions, injuries, and ailments.  Here are a few of them:


  • Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries

    • These can be complicated--both legally and physically. Just like the care given to your car, we are intent on helping you restore you to 'pre-accident status'.

  • Lower Back Pain, Sciatica, Headaches, Numbness, etc

    • Everyone has 'felt it' before. Life can really wear on a person, and we are dedicated to not only help you recover from some of life's natural courses of tightness and pain, but show you some ways to prevent these flare ups from occurring again.

  • On The Job Injuries

    • Work-related injuries can be a pain! Let us help you get back to work ASAP with injury care and ergonomic and occupational training.

  • Sports Injuries

    • Sports injuries have become more common as both kids and their parents are finding expanding year round sporting opportunities. Whether it is the well-trained athlete or the weekend warrior--injuries happen. We have decades of experience in getting athletes back on the field in short order.

  • Pregnancy-related Back Pain

    • Being the dad of nine kids, Dr.Hall knows what this is all about. There are secrets to success in making the 2nd and 3rd trimesters bearable and comfortable. Pregnancy is supposed to be fun and exciting, not painful and uncomfortable!